Top amenities, stylish comfort, and great location. The description afforded to so many hotels and resorts, but how do you differentiate yourself from the rest?

Show your guests their wellbeing is your top priority by providing them the added protection of UV Angel’s UV-C technology which automatically treats air and surfaces for harmful pathogens.

UV-C light has been used for decades to neutralise airborne pathogens and is proven to kill viruses including Coronaviruses, fungi, and germs. UV Angel Clean Air uses this technology and has designed an unobtrusive innovative in-ceiling unit that creates a healthier and safer environment for common areas including foyers, conference spaces, meeting and dining rooms.

UV Angel Clean Air works by drawing air into a sealed chamber with a series of fans and filters and then treating the air with UV-C light at a wavelength of 254nm. This operates on the cellular level to deactivate airborne bacteria, fungi, and viruses then the treated air is recirculated into the room. There are no chemicals, ozone or hazardous by-products. Other filtration systems such as HEPA filters capture germs but do not kill them, these filters need to be changed regularly and are a biohazard.

Laboratory results showed elimination rates up to 99.99% and UV Angel has conducted two separate third party laboratory tests against 80 surrogate pathogens including Escherichia coli (gram-negative), Staphylococcus aureus (gram positive), Cladosporium cladosporioides (fungus spore formed) and MS2 Bacteriophage (MS2) (virus surrogate). These tests conclusively support UV Angel Clean Air’s claims to treat bacteria, fungus and viruses in the air.

UV Angel Clean Air is an air treatment solution that automatically and continuously cleans environments without impacting operational performance, comfort, or convenience. It is a room-level control that targets pathogens at their source.

Major brands and Fortune 500 companies trust UV Angel’s patented ultraviolet light technology to give guests the confidence to visit and stay. In conjunction with standard hygiene practices, UV Angel provides a secondary level of protection giving guests and employees greater peace of mind that they are receiving the highest levels of care.

Learn more about UV Angel