HM checked in recently with Event Hospitality Director of Hotels, Norman Arundel, for a trip back in time to find out a hilarious yarn from the early days in his accomplished career to date.
What was your first job in the accommodation industry and how long were you in it?
I started as a Trainee Hotel Manager and in many ways am still very much in the same job today.
Can you tell us a funny, embarrassing or memorable story involving you from the early part of your career?
I have many such stories from my first clumsy years in the industry, I was very lucky to have had managers generous and patient enough not to fire me. One early memory, on a very busy night, keen to show I knew how to change a keg of beer (which I actually had no idea how to do – this was in the days when you had to spike a keg) – I managed to explode beer all over 500 plated desserts at the exact time they were due to be served. This gave me my first taste of how loud a chef can yell!
My own experience has given me great tolerance for misguided youthful enthusiasm.
What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young people assessing whether hospitality or tourism is right for them as a profession?
Do it – I know of no more exciting career.