The Kirketon’s small back bar Eau-de-Vie has been nominated in three categories in Tales of the Cocktail’s Spirited Awards, the biggest and most influential bar industry awards globally.
Nominations for the Darlinghurst (Sydney) bar include World’s Best New Cocktail Bar, World’s Best Cocktail Menu and World’s Best Drink Selection.
Proving that the Sydney small bar scene truly is resonating with the rest of the world, Eau-de-Vie is one of only three venues to have been recognised in three award categories.
The other two venues include legendary bars Employees Only in New York and Artesian at The Langham hotel in London.
Sven Almenning, owner of Eau-de-Vie, said: “We’re not only thrilled for Eau-de-Vie, but also for the wider community of bars in Australia. Hopefully these nominations show that the small bar movement is offering patrons a more diverse choice of venues, while putting Australia on the map globally as a world class bar and drinking destination.”
The only venue from the southern hemisphere to receive a nomination, Eau-de-Vie is being held in esteemed company alongside some of the most well-known and respected bars across the globe.
Finalists include:
World’s Best New Cocktail Bar
-1534, New York City, New York
-Dram, New York City, New York
-Eau de Vie, Sydney, Australia
-Painkiller, New York City, New York
World’s Best Cocktail Menu
-Artesian at The Langham, London, England
-Eau de Vie, Sydney, Australia
-Mayahuel, New York City, New York
-Sanctuaria, St. Louis, Missouri
World’s Best Drinks Selection
-Artesian at The Langham, London, England
-Cure, New Orleans, Louisiana
-Eau de Vie, Sydney, Australia
-Employees Only, New York City, New York
The winners will be announced in July at Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans.